
Hi and thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Sarah and I love books. I love reading books, talking about books and sharing books. I will read pretty much any genre and am always grateful for book recommendations (although my TBR pile will not be grateful).

Due to a really long reading slump my TBR got a bit out of control (wildly, absurdly out of control) and this blog will track my progress as I attempt to achieve a TBR that has less than 50 books on. I have quite a way to go with this, so this could take a really long time.

I love taking part in book memes and tags, so will post at least one of these a week. My aim is to also publish one book review a week, but this may depend on my reactions to the books that I have read. I find it very difficult to write a review for a book that I feel only so-so about and these may get missed. You can find my list of book reviews here.

Here are my anticipated monthly posts…

TBR – Have you ever tried to set yourself a TBR list for the following month, only to then spend the month avoiding these books? If so, this might be the sort of TBR for you. Select 15 – 20 books that are on your radar – it works best to select a mix of genres if you are a mood reader like myself – and use these to select your next reads from.

Off the Shelf – Regain control of your TBR by selecting a book that has been on your shelf for at least a year. Talk about the book, why/how you acquired the book and then actually read it.

Book Chat – In these posts I will discuss random topics that occur to me when I am reading. These topics will be bookish related, but some may be more loosely bookish related than others!

All the Books – My answer to book hauls and wrap ups. In October 2016 I first came clean about the number of books in my TBR. In this post I tally up my progress, including new books to add to the pile, books I have read and, potentially, books that are to be given away.

I hope that you enjoy my bookish rambles – I am so looking forward to chatting about books with you!


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