Bookish Posts · TBR

TBR – August 2017

Hi everyone!

I am really trying to get my TBR under control, with very little success, so I thought I would try something different. I have never really succeeded with planning my TBR before; I tend to be an emotional reader so my book selections are driven by my mood and my reaction to my most recent reads. I am going to try something a bit different (different for me anyway!)

Instead of creating a list of, say, five books that I will commit to reading (and then fail miserably), I will create a bookshelf of possible reads. I think there will be between 15 – 20 books on the TBR shelf which should give me enough room to make my emotional choices.

Currently Reading…

I do not normally read so many books at once, but I have got myself into a bit of a pickle recently. I started reading Rebel Rising a while ago, but it started to feel like a bit of a slog, so I put to the side. I am hoping to finish this month, otherwise I will mark as DNF and try again another time.

I have been reading Sherlock Holmes since the beginning of the year, with the aim of finishing before the end of the year. I am massively behind on this, as the last time I read any was in January, so I need to pick up the pace if I have any hope of finishing 😂

The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k is a little bit different for me. I do not normally read self-help type books, but I was drawn to this one in the bookshop. I am a worrier, and I worry that I spend too much time worrying and not getting on with things. So I thought I would give this one a try. I am not very far into the book yet, but it has been enjoyable so far.

I started reading The Gunslinger because of the Dark Tower film. I am enjoying it, but not as much as I thought I would. I love Stephen King books, so I will persevere and hopefully it will capture me more as the story continues.

TBR Shelf

I have tried to pick a variety of genres here, in the hope that there is something for every mood 😊 There are 2 books that I am pretty much guaranteed to read:

The Eye of the World – a friend leant me a copy of this book. Although there are an eye-watering number of pages (803!!) I want to read soon so that I can give back.

The Wind in the Willows – I intend to read this with my son, so even if we start reading in August, there is little chance that we will finish this month.


Have you read any of these books? How do you decide what books to read next? Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon


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11 thoughts on “TBR – August 2017

  1. Your TBR pile looks so exciting!! Strange the Dreamer is so incredible, and I really liked the To All the Boys I’ve Loved before trilogy as well so I hope you enjoy them! I’ve also read Wintersong but wasn’t a massive fan of it, but hopefully you’ll like it more than I did 😜 I’m planning on reading Nevernight this month too 😃

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    1. Thank you – I know I am super late to reading To All the Boys I’ve loved before, but it feels right for a summer read. I must admit I bought Wintersong because of all of the hype, so am not sure what to expect – when will I learn not to do that 😊. Let me know how you get on with Nevernight.

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  2. Im starting to feel the same as you, I pick books to read for the next month and dont feel like reading all of them so I might pick 15/20 and do what you are doing. Thanks for the idea! 💖

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  3. The Wind in the Willows is adorable 🙂 hope you and your son enjoy it. I love re-reading it in the Autumn because it’s one of those books which makes me feel really cosy. Also, please pick up Nemesis soon! I just finished reading it and it was so, so addictive!

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