All the books · Bookish Posts

All the Books – #4

Hi everyone!

It’s time for my latest update on how I am getting on with reducing my TBR. It will probably not surprise you (based on my last few ‘All the Books’ posts), but I do not think that I have done very well at reducing my TBR this time. It all started to go wrong when I told myself that I was not allowed to buy any more books. Apparently I am not any good at following orders, even when I am the one giving the orders 😂

When I last completed a count I had 496 books on my TBR. This is what happened next…

Books that found their way onto my bookshelves:

Subscription boxes
I have been subscribing to Fairyloot and I absolutely love their boxes, but I recently came to the decision that I really cannot afford to keep up with my subscription. I think I have one more box that I should receive, but that will be the last one for a while. Although I would be tempted to ask for a subscription for Christmas.

Christmas present

I did actually receive a really late Christmas present; my mum had ordered it and then forgotten to actually give to me.



It was all going so well, until I started my book buying ban…

Books I read:

Off the shelf
I am still trying to work my way through the books that I have owned for more than one year, but I do find myself torn between reading my new books and these. The new books tend to win out, but here are the books that I read off the shelf…

And the rest…

Books I gave away:

I started ‘Down the TBR Hole’ recently, and this has been really challenging, but also great fun. I have so many books on my TBR that I was losing sight of what I owned. I am so pleased that I have managed to give a few books away too 😄

This leaves me with a TBR of 509 books.

Thanks to a book buying frenzy shortly after I put myself on a book buying ban, I have proved that a book buying ban does not work for me. Have you got any tips for helping me to get my TBR under control? What works well for you? Please let me know in the comments below.


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3 thoughts on “All the Books – #4

  1. You’ve gotten some great books recently! I read The Names They Gave Us and Nemesis and loved both of them.
    I’m so bad at not buying books, haha. It’s just so hard when new books are constantly coming out! I want to read them all!!

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